25 research outputs found


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    Os deslocamentos populacionais mais significativos em direção a Natal, capital do Rio Grande do Norte têm origem nos municípios da Região Metropolitana de Natal (RMN), impulsionados por diversos motivos, incluindo saúde, lazer, visitas familiares, trabalho e educação. Segundo o censo demográfico de 2010 do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), 78.977 pessoas com 18 anos ou mais se deslocaram dentro do estado por motivos de estudo, sendo que 38.991 o fizeram entre os municípios da RMN, o que corresponde a 49,3% de todos os fluxos pendulares do estado. Tendo em conta os fluxos na RMN, 31.732 pessoas, ou 81%, se deslocaram para a capital. A metodologia desta pesquisa incluiu revisão de literatura, coleta de dados secundários no site do IBGE e entrevistas realizadas nas paradas de transporte intermunicipal a fim de abordar o fenômeno de maneira quanti-qualitativa. A pesquisa revelou que a capital e o município vizinho, Parnamirim, são os principais receptores desse fluxo, enquanto São Gonçalo do Amarante, Ceará-Mirim, Macaíba e Extremoz são os principais emissores. Esse fluxo populacional causa uma maior demanda por serviços educacionais (públicos e privados) e infraestrutura urbana, o que exige maior esforço dos gestores municipais. Além disso, a pesquisa mostra a centralidade de Natal e Parnamirim como referências em ensino médio e superior no Rio Grande do Norte, tornando-as atrativas para os fluxos populacionais por motivos educacionais.Abstract: The most significant population movements towards Natal, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, originate from municipalities in the Metropolitan Region (RMN), driven by various factors, including health, leisure, family visits, work, and education. According to the 2010 demographic census by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), 78,977 people aged 18 or over moved within the state for educational reasons, with 38,991 of them moving between municipalities in the RMN, corresponding to 49.3% of all commuting flows in the state. Regarding flows within the RMN, 31,732 people, or 81%, moved to the capital. The methodology of this research included a literature review, collection of secondary data on the IBGE website, and interviews conducted at intermunicipal transport stops to address the phenomenon qualitatively. The research revealed that the capital and the neighboring municipality of Parnamirim are the main recipients of this flow, while São Gonçalo do Amarante, Ceará-Mirim, Macaíba, and Extremoz are the main senders. This population flow creates a greater demand for educational services (public and private) and urban infrastructure, requiring greater effort from municipal managers. Furthermore, the research highlights the centrality of Natal and Parnamirim as references in secondary and higher education in Rio Grande do Norte, making them attractive for population flows for educational reasons. Keywords: Population flows; Metropolitan Region of Natal; Education.  RESUMEN: Los desplazamientos populaciones más significativos en dirección a Natal, capital en Rio Grande do Norte tiene origen en los municipios de la Región Metropolitana (RMN), impulsados por diversos motivos, incluyendo salude, ocio, visitas familiares, trabajo y educación. Según el censo demográfico de 2010 del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE), 78.977 personas con 18 años o más se desplazaron dentro del estado por motivos de estudio, siendo que 38.991 lo hicieron entre los municipios de la RMN, lo que corresponde a 49,3% de todos los flujos pendulares del estado. Teniendo en cuenta los flujos en la RMN, 31.732 personas, o 81%, se dislocaron para la capital. La metodología de esta pesquisa incluye revisión de la literatura, recopilación de los datos secundarios en el sitio del IBGE en entrevistas realizadas en las paradas de transporte intermunicipales a fin de abordar lo fenómeno de manera cualitativa. La pesquisa reveló que la capital y el municipio vecino, Parnamirim, son los principales receptores de ese flujo, mientras São Gonçalo do Amarante, Ceará-Mirim, Macaíba e Extremoz son los principales emisores. Ese flujo poblacional causa una mayor demanda por servicios educacionales (públicos y privados) e infraestructura urbana, lo que exige mayor esfuerzo de los gestores municipales. Además de eso, la pesquisa muestra la centralidad de Natal y Parnamirim como referencias en enseñanza media y superior en Rio Grande do Norte, haciendo-las atractivas para los flujos poblacionales por los motivos educacionales. Palabras-clave: Flujos poblacionales; Región Metropolitana de Natal; Educación

    Systems Biology-Based Analysis Indicates Global Transcriptional Impairment in Lead-Treated Human Neural Progenitor Cells

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    Lead poisoning effects are wide and include nervous system impairment, peculiarly during development, leading to neural damage. Lead interaction with calcium and zinc-containing metalloproteins broadly affects cellular metabolism since these proteins are related to intracellular ion balance, activation of signaling transduction cascades, and gene expression regulation. In spite of lead being recognized as a neurotoxin, there are gaps in knowledge about the global effect of lead in modulating the transcription of entire cellular systems in neural cells. In order to investigate the effects of lead poisoning in a systemic perspective, we applied the transcriptogram methodology in an RNA-seq dataset of human embryonic-derived neural progenitor cells (ES-NP cells) treated with 30 µM lead acetate for 26 days. We observed early downregulation of several cellular systems involved with cell differentiation, such as cytoskeleton organization, RNA, and protein biosynthesis. The downregulated cellular systems presented big and tightly connected networks. For long treatment times (12 to 26 days), it was possible to observe a massive impairment in cell transcription profile. Taking the enriched terms together, we observed interference in all layers of gene expression regulation, from chromatin remodeling to vesicle transport. Considering that ES-NP cells are progenitor cells that can originate other neural cell types, our results suggest that lead-induced gene expression disturbance might impair cells’ ability to differentiate, therefore influencing ES-NP cells’ fate


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    The Covid-19 pandemic caused the disease to spread rapidly across all continents and spread various positive and negative information, which circulated or circulated on the internet, presenting different content. The objective of this study is to inform the population about the Fake News approach and the spread of misinformation and the challenges that public health faces. Studies were carried out from secondary sources, through bibliographic research in scientific databases, in the time window from 2021 to 2023, with the most recent and compatible articles prevailing. Eleven complete and published articles were found, related to vaccination against Covid-19, Fake News associated with the vaccination process and the influence on the population's adherence to immunizations in the context of public health. The Covid-19 pandemic, which was characterized by the acute respiratory syndrome popularly known as SARS-CoV-2, which resulted in several deaths due to lack of vaccination and also generated the infodemic and misinformation pandemic, where society began to discredit science and credibility it had.continentes e propagou diversas informações positivas e negativas, que circulam ou circularam na internet apresentando conteúdos diversos. O Objetivo deste estudo é informar a população sobre a abordagem de Fake News e a propagação da desinformação e os desafios que saúde pública enfrenta. Foram realizados estudos a partir de fontes secundárias, por meio da pesquisa bibliográfica em bancos de dados científicos, na janela temporal de 2021 a 2023, prevalecendo os artigos mais recentes e compatível. Encontrou-se onze artigos completos e publicados, relacionados à vacinação contra a Covid-19, Fake News associadas ao processo vacinal e a influência na adesão da população aos imunizantes no contexto de saúde pública. A pandemia de Covid-19 que foi caracterizada pela síndrome respiratória aguda popularmente conhecida como SARS-CoV-2, que obtive diversas mortes por falta de vacinação e também gerou a pandemia da infodemia e desinformação, onde a sociedade começou a desacreditar nas ciências e na credibilidade que a mesma tinha

    <b>Desidratação osmótica de frutículos de jaca (<em>Artocarpus integrifólia</em> L.): aplicação de modelos matemáticos</b> - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v31i2.1026

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    A desidratação osmótica tem sido sugerida como uma operação unitária importante, na transformação de frutos perecíveis em novos produtos com maior vida de prateleira e maior valor agregado. A aplicação de modelos matemáticos confiáveis torna possível prever o comportamento de diversos fenômenos que ocorrem no processo, bem como possibilita a redução do seu custo operacional. Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da aplicação de modelos matemáticos para as variáveis perda de água, ganho de sólidos, pH e ATT, durante a desidratação osmótica dos frutículos de jaca em solução de sacarose a 64°Brix, para diferentes temperaturas (40, 50, 60 e 70°C) das soluções, no tempo de 2.880 min. O Modelo Decaimento Exponencial 2 se ajustou melhor aos dados experimentais de perda de água, constatando-se variação do coeficiente de determinação de 76,73 a 97,16%, enquanto para as variáveis SST e ATT, o Modelo Logístico ajustou-se melhor aos dados experimentais, obtendo variação de 80,5 a 98,2% e 89,5 a 99,4%. Já para o pH, o Modelo Decaimento Exponencial 1 obteve bom ajuste aos dados experimentais, com coeficientes de determinação variando de 80,5 a 98,2%

    Systems Biology-Based Analysis Indicates Global Transcriptional Impairment in Lead-Treated Human Neural Progenitor Cells

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    Lead poisoning effects are wide and include nervous system impairment, peculiarly during development, leading to neural damage. Lead interaction with calcium and zinc-containing metalloproteins broadly affects cellular metabolism since these proteins are related to intracellular ion balance, activation of signaling transduction cascades, and gene expression regulation. In spite of lead being recognized as a neurotoxin, there are gaps in knowledge about the global effect of lead in modulating the transcription of entire cellular systems in neural cells. In order to investigate the effects of lead poisoning in a systemic perspective, we applied the transcriptogram methodology in an RNA-seq dataset of human embryonic-derived neural progenitor cells (ES-NP cells) treated with 30 µM lead acetate for 26 days. We observed early downregulation of several cellular systems involved with cell differentiation, such as cytoskeleton organization, RNA, and protein biosynthesis. The downregulated cellular systems presented big and tightly connected networks. For long treatment times (12 to 26 days), it was possible to observe a massive impairment in cell transcription profile. Taking the enriched terms together, we observed interference in all layers of gene expression regulation, from chromatin remodeling to vesicle transport. Considering that ES-NP cells are progenitor cells that can originate other neural cell types, our results suggest that lead-induced gene expression disturbance might impair cells’ ability to differentiate, therefore influencing ES-NP cells’ fate

    Medical Biochemistry – Clinical Cases

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    The presentation of situations that exemplifies the practical application of the biochemical concepts is one of the main challenges in the development of didactic materials for the teaching of biochemistry. So far, there are a small number of materials, especially in Portuguese language, that present practical situations exemplifying the application of the several biochemical concepts in the area of human health. The Medical Biochemistry-Clinical Cases app/ebook is intended to enable the integrated vision of the basic knowledge in biochemistry and its practical application in day-to-day situations of human health professionals. The biochemical concepts are presented as clinical cases, making possible the exercise of the analytical attitude and decision-making to solve problems based on real situations. The app is available on the internet for free, facilitating both, the access and the use of the material as a supplementary source

    Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Multidrug-Resistant P. aeruginosa Carrying aac(6')-Ib-cr, qnrS1 and blaSPM Genes in Brazil.

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    We described a comprehensive analysis of the molecular epidemiology of multidrug-resistant (MDR) P. aeruginosa. Molecular analysis included typing by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis, identification of genes of interest through PCR-based assays and sequencing of target genes. Case-control study was conducted to better understand the prognostic of patients and the impact of inappropriate therapy in patients with bacteremia, as well as the risk factors of MDR infections. We observed a high rate of MDR isolates (40.7%), and 51.0% of them was independently associated with inappropriate antibiotic therapy. Bacteremia was detected in 66.9% of patients, and prolonged hospital stay was expressive in those resistant to fluoroquinolone. Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes (PMQR), qnrS1 and aac(6')Ib-cr, were detected in two different nosocomial isolates (5.3%), and the aac(6')-Ib7 variant was detected at a high frequency (87.5%) in those negative to PMQR. The presence of mutations in gyrA and parC genes was observed in 100% and 85% of selected isolates, respectively. Isolates harboring PMQR genes or mutations in gyrA and parC were not closely related, except in those containing SPM (São Paulo metallo-β-lactamase) clone. In addition, there is no study published in Brazil to date reporting the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates harboring both qnrS1 and aac(6')Ib-cr genes, with alarming frequency of patients with inappropriate therapy